18 January, 2011

"Productivity: The Art of Getting Things Done"

Well, here it is. I've finally finished writing this book and I'm making it public for the world to consume. Any feedback you have would be appreciated. I'd like to know what you think after reading it as well as any follow up information you'd like to share. I hope you enjoy and get some use out of this. Should you be too shy to comment directly, I made sure to allow appreciation to be giving via using the "Donate" button (slightly upward and to the right) as well as providing you with this link. Don't feel as though these two avenues can be used only in conjunction with your appreciation of this book. That isn't the case. You may use either or both for any reason including my upcoming February 5th birthday.

There is an option to read this in fullscreen for those wanting a more book-like, professional experience. Also, you can download and print the book. Again, let me know what you think. Enjoy.

Productivity: The Art of Getting Things Done