Upon my arrival, I decided to check the mail and let Bruster have a chance to relieve himself. (That's him on the right.) While I was checking the mail, I got a call from my neighbors, Summer and Taylor. The call was to instruct me to come up to their place to have brownies and ice cream. That alone was reason enough to be excited, but what made the invitation exceptionally appealing was that the package my lady sent me had yet to arrive. She was slightly bummed that I didn't have my gift she so badly wanted me to get on my birthday which bummed me out a little, too.
So, on up to Summer and Taylor's place I went. I knocked on the door and got the usual "come in!" response. Bruster bolted in as is his normal way of greeting folks. The first thing I saw as I opened the door was my wonderful lady holding a colorfully decorated sheet of paper which read "Package". I was dumbfounded. She conspired with my neighbors and planned a surprise visit to Arkansas from Florida. This was beyond amazing. So, I got brownies and ice cream AND my package did arrive. Perfect. As if this wasn't enough, Summer and Taylor even got me a hand mixer for making soap. The Amazon Wish List worked!
I'm leaving out plenty of details and extras, but I got out the high points. It's easy to say that from 12:30 Saturday until Tuesday afternoon was so amazing. The entire extended weekend was spent having one of the best times, and the best birthday, of my life. Hands down. I honestly couldn't have asked for anything better.
*Yep. I'm just driving traffic to my site.
**Birthday texts are crap. Try and think of something less personal and meaningful. I did and came up with telling someone else to text someone "happy birthday" for me from their phone.