Locking in the fifth and final position on the list is the most recent purchase, a NeatReceipts image scanner. It's an image scanner with so much more to offer. Packaged with the hardware is NeatReciepts' own software which allows you to scan, file and edit your images as well as incorporate your receipts into other financial software. Another added bonus is this product gives the user the option to scan a document to a PDF...which you can edit! Why didn't I have this when I still had classes in school and could just scan notes* to read later? This thing is perfect.
If anyone has even the slightest proclivity to keeping records of receipts and other documents in order, please look in to getting one of these. And to sweeten the deal, NeatReceipts sent me an email to send to someone else who would receive 50% off of their own life simplifying device. Interested?
*notes or old tests