I figured I'd write about this past Saturday's festivities before 1) I forgot to do so, or 2) too much time had passed for the story to be relavant.
Having been to only two beer festivals, I'm not much of an expert at these sort of events. But, before both of them I had this naïve preconceived notion that folks of all sorts would be sitting around energetically yet orderly discussing their current tasting in a relaxed, non-highbrow sort of fashion. This has yet to be the case.
(Now before I begin to be a drag, I will say that I had a ton of fun while at the Festival. I need to inform you of this for the sake of all of us. No one likes to read about pure negativity. Now let us continue.)
Rather than thinking that all the people with popped collars,-yes, for some reason this is still happening-boat shoes, and polo-styled shirts just don't fit in at an event such as this, I sorted out that I was the outcast. As a student of all things beer, I attend tastings and beer festivals in order to learn about and try new beers...as well as have a good time in the process. I found myself being annoyed at all the phony people there who knew nothing about good, craft beer. But how did I know that they didn't know as much or more than I? And who put me in charge of assigning the direction of 2010's East Atlanta Beer Festival? Once I worked out that everyone there only wanted to enjoy the weekend with 100+ craft beers and 1000 of their closest friends, I relaxed and began to enjoy the rest of the day. And for some strange reason, after that pivotal moment, the beer started to taste better.
And to top it off, Brittany and I were greeted by the Beer Fest Bear.