The (far less than) 100 Things that Disappear with 2010: Part III-V
Duck Face, Deuce-Chucking, and High-Angle Pictures
three phauxto pas (faux pas + are inseparable. With the craze of Myspace sweeping the world and digital cameras becoming readily available to the masses, a triage of digital stupidity was born. It'll be great to see these things die when 2010 expires.
Duck Face
Ladies, you're already pretty enough without having to subject yourself to pursing your lips to the extreme at which you look like you have a duck's bill attached to your face. Secondly, and this may come as a shock to you, guys don't care about your lips. We don't for the most part. And if we ever mention a gal's lips, it is 100% of the time associated with a particular activity. No, not kissing, but the other one. That's the message you really want to convey? Then don't be so prudish when the topic comes up. (No pun.)
Guys, if you're doing this, the same goes for you. Sure, you're pretty enough not to have to subject yourself to jutting our your lips like a cartoon, but I was talking about the second point I made above. You are sending that message out to other guys. If that upsets you, stop pulling that ridiculous face.
Extending the second and third digits and keeping the finger tips pointed upward, flexing the remaining three, while showing the palm side of the hand once stood for peace or victory here in the US. Keeping the same finger posture, exposing the dorsum of the hand while rotating it medially now stands for douchebag. Stop. Just stop it. There is no message there. If you're trying to show that you're having a good time and you are with some cool people, we get it. We can see your sideways hat, sunglasses indoors, and beer pong or flip cup game in the picture, too. Admit it. You saw someone else do that and you wanted your MySpace / Facebook pictures to be popular, too.
Sadly, to at least one person, throwing up deuces is awesome enough to tattoo on yourself. Twice.
High-Angle Pictures
You think you're either being artsy, fooling people, or both.
You aren't.
2010 response: Ridicule, insulting, and self-removal from MySpace and Facebook.
2011 response: Ignore and continue being removed from MySpace and Facebook.