Before I wrap up this ranting and raving with the final item on my list of loathsome social practices, I would like to first put things into perspective. This list I've created of all the things that will, as far as I'm concerned, expire at the end of this year isn't about suggesting a higher social status for myself or some sort of implication of elitism on my part. Additionally, this hasn't been an exercise in negativity or animosity. Sure, things bother me in special ways that few others can relate but I never thought that separated me from "common" people. If anything, I would imagine this lowered my status and increased the difficulty of my universal acceptance. So, rather than rambling on about what the point of this whole public exercise isn't, how about I remove the shroud to expose the
true meaning of these blog posts?
Festivus. It's becoming very popular these days to celebrate December 23rd by exclaiming "Happy Festivus!" In fact, as this is being composed,
festivus is a trending topic on Twitter. But there is more to the alt-holiday
Festivus. For instance, there is the Airing of Grievances. This year, I decided to air my grievances through this blog. And once I complete and post this final entry of my grievances, Festivus can begin and everyone can await the beginning of a very happy, peaceful New Year.
I don't know if there was any adieu from the start, but just in case there was, let's not further it any longer. The final item, please.
"Dane Cook is not funny."

He isn't. Accept that as fact. Of course, I fell in the trap as millions of others have. I thought he was clever and funny. As it turns out, he's an over-actor and a joke thief. He
steals jokes! On top of all of that, he runs his material into the ground. Watch him on the nighttime talk shows. Night after night, he panders to the audience in a very childish way, tells obvious lies and fabricated stories, and repeats the same drivel again and again. Want proof of this stuff? I have it. I can proove he has stolen material from other famous comedians. Pleural, folks. Comedians. I have video clips of Dane acting like a clown on TV. Adding fuel to this fire is how he's just a dick. Just watch "Tourgasm" again. (If you can.) Watch him set up his friends to fail while making him look good. Watch him piss and moan about things that he doesn't like, the whiney bitch. I'm surprised that this font color hasn't turned red by sensing my disgust and anger.
The only way I could consider him as funny and/or clever is that he played a huge joke on America. He trickey-tricked us into thinking he was a fun-funny-fun-fun guy. A CO-median, if you will. (It hurts to even think of his voice as I try to type as he would.) So, this is it. Dane Cook, I have grievances with you! And I must air them!
People, stop laughing at Dane Cook's jokes. If he didn't steal them, I highly doubt what he's saying in an actual joke. It's some exaggerated, fictitious, acted-out story filled with gyrations and sound effects. It's time to band together and fight this atrocity against comedy.
2010 response: I started fighting against the "Dane Train" and proving to people who this guy really is.
2011 response: I will never back down from proving to people that Dane is a hack. I'll have proof waiting on my phone for the ignorant to listen to. This madness has to end.