Not actual portions of Kevin Rose, rather the sillier aspects of his public life. Let me explain. I'll make it short.

The breaking point for me was when he announced that his dog, Toaster, had a Twitter account. Then, he re-tweeted each of Toaster's tweets. Every picture Kevin posted seemed to have a Toaster theme. This is the sort of character I would expect of a teenage girl. Come on, buddy. What happened? Get a pair, would'ja? It's because of all of this, I unfollowed Kevin on both Twitter and Instagram. And I am fully aware that none of this matters to anyone else.
Sure, he's allowed to do what he wants within his companies and Twitter accounts, but I don't like this child version of Kevin. I miss the guy who has carved his own way, being an inspiration to many, being geeky yet very classy at the same time, all while keeping his personal life somewhat personal. Kevin, this part of you fades away with 2010.
2010 response: Disappointment and unfollowing.
2011 response: Acceptance and hope that he gets his shit together.