You can't. She doesn't exist. There is no "she". And if a she did exist, she didn't say that. She would never say something like that.
The phrase is unoriginal, overused, juvenile, and just not clever. Responding to nearly any and all comments with "That's what she said" hasn't been funny for quite a while. In my opinion, it ranks up there with "I know you are, but what am I?", "Nuh-uh. You are.", and "You're mom." I think it's time we move on from dick jokes, too. All of this just takes no brain power to come up with. It makes for poor conversation.
Am I coming off as high-and-mighty? Well, I'm not. I grew up watching "Bevis and Butthead", but I also used to pull girl's ponytails and make armpit fart noises, too. And yes, I love watching "The Office". But watching Michael get no response when he uses his favorite catch phrase is classic. It's a very subtle message the writers are sending out to America. "That's what she said" isn't funny anymore.
So, 2010, I hope you've enjoyed the TWSS run. But, it's all over come January 1, 2011.
2010 response: "Who is 'she' again?" "No she didn't."
2011 response: No reply. No smiling. No acknowledgment to the comment. Serious reconsideration of my relationship with the offender.